March 26.  2017.

With minor difficulties (it looked a lot easier on youtube) and major trepidation, I just installed my first bee package. The queen is being well cared for, the clan (don't like the word, colony; too Christobal Colon for me) is well fed with sugary water (more at watery sugar) and a bit of pollen patty. Will check tomorrow to see how the clan is doing.  Also, expecting to refill the watery sugar (with a soupçon of lemon oil); hope it doesn't rain o'er me.

Feeling hopeful.

It took a few minutes to get used to hanging with a couple of thousand bees, and a few unexpected happenings in the process.  The Brookside demo and youtube videos were enormously beneficial, but no experience can be precisely the same.  What I learned today is that, in the bee dance that all beekeepers must dance, the bees are leading.  And, if you try to take the lead away, you'll trip over your own feet.

Grateful for this listserv and the MCBA's Beekeeping 101 classes for forearming me for the job at hand --and ahead. 

Tomorrow, I let my precious hive roam their new environs.  Rain --and free food and beverage-- will keep them inside; mostly,
